The Necks
Saturday 20th May 2023
Doors 7pm, Show 8pm
Now deep into an incredible fourth decade, The Necks show no sign of slowing down, and continue to conjure wondrous, luminous soundscapes with their bare hands.
Touring to promote the release of their twenty-first album Travel, they will be appearing at Meeniyan Town Hall in May. Don’t miss this chance to see these legends weave their magic.
Seeing The Necks in concert is an experience like no other. Chris Abrahams, Tony Buck and Lloyd Swanton – these three master musicians, who take to the stage with nothing prepared in advance – set out investigating a humble musical notion and then over the course of pieces which sometimes go for an hour or more, conjure textures and aural illusions that defy description.
Tickets : $60.00 plus booking fee
Book tickets via Oztix link
Enquiries phone 0408 039 251 or 0419 302 851
Allocated table seating. All Ages. BYO.
Doors 7pm, Show 8pm